Friday, November 6, 2009

It just doesn't work...

Second blog post!
As I write this post (at 1AM) , I'm multitasking - talking to someone on the phone....listening to music....and basically not studying. :)
Studying is such the bitch. Seriously, how can someone memorise all the side effects of SO MANY FREAKING DRUGS. I swear, I'm just gonna put nausea and headache for every side effect. And even worse, how can someone remember when to use what drug for acute or prophylaxis >_>
Yes, it's all about Pharm. Sorry Mr. and Mrs. Immunologist!

Anyways, I watched V....yesterday. BEST. NEW. SHOW. YET. Awesome stuff right there.

So, yes. my second blog talks about pharm and tv show. Interesting life I have. :)